Welcome to my ever-growing list of FREE ZINES! All zines on this page (to the best of my knowledge) are 100% free to download or read online. Many of them are in printable formats, some are designed to be read on a screen. If you find a zine you like, please consider tracking down the creator and giving them a thank-you or a tip! (I mean, if you can. Some of these go all the way back to the 1920s!)
I will be continuing to update this page, and I will do my best to ensure the links are active. Please let me know if there is a broken link or if you've found another resource you think should be listed here.
EBABZ Digital Zine Library -- Zines sent to East Bay Alternative Book and Zine Fest. Probably 80% are hosted as local PDFs.
POC Zine Project -- Zines by people of color, run by nonprofit POC Zine Project, self-described as an "experiment in activism and community through materiality". Most hosted on issuu; on the zine page, make sure to scoll down to check for more by the same creator.
Quarantine Public Library -- Collected zines, searchable by author, genre, and media. All local PDFs in print format.
Sticky Institute Online Zine Library -- Zines sent to Sticky Institute, Melbourne-based zine org. that runs The Festival of the Photocopier and HalloZine. Lots of quaranzines, but lots of others too. All local PDFs.
Sherwood Forest Zine Library -- Digital and scanned zines from Sherwood Forest Zine Library in Austin, TX. Updates quarterly, searchable by topic. All local PDFs.
ZCMAG Print-At-Home Zine Library -- Zines contributed to Zine Crisis Mutual Assistance Group (ZCMAG--Zinesters helping zinesters). Majority 8-page minis; others come with printing instructions. All local PDFs.
archive.org -- A metric fuckton of zines scanned and uploaded to the Internet Archive. Over 81,000 zines, including vintage/historic and contemporary zines. Tagged and easily searchable. Often downloadable for offline screen reading, rarely formatted for printing. Locally hosted.
Chapman University Feminist Zine Archive -- A collection of feminist zines contributed from students of Chapman University's Women's Studies department. All local PDFs.
Fanzines Archive -- Archive of fantasy and sci-fi fanzines from the 1930s through 2000s. Locally hosted, one-page-at-a-time PDFs.
Fat Lib Archive -- [tbw]
Jewish Zine Archive -- Zines by creators identifying with Jewishness and/or Judaism. Click the hamburger icon and explore all the pages; there are free digital zines available all over the site! All local PDFs; they also have some A/V Zines. [Anti-occupation/Palestinian genocide]
QZAP: Queer Zine Archive Project -- Zines by queer creators about queer topics from 1973-present. Focus on preservation. Tagged and easily searchable. Self-hosted reader.
CrimethInc. -- Zines on resistance and collective action by anarchist collective CrimethInc. Many essays come in languages besides English
Pleasure Pie -- [tbw]
The Small Science Collective -- Printable mini-zines about science. Organized by subject. All local PDFs.
Sprout Distro -- Anarchist zines with essay/informational zines from direct action to theory. All printable and many screen-arranged. Zines hosted by archive.org.
Warrior Publications -- [tbw]
Warzone Distro -- Anarchist zines with zines on "anarchy, insurrection and anti-civilization." Many vegan/animal liberation zines. All local PDFs arranged for print.
zinedistro.org -- Anarchist zines with essay/informational zines, run by The Resistance Army. All local PDFs, and many have the contents in text form for screenreaders!
Free zines on itch.io *In the dropdown menu at the top of the screen, try changing also to "Comics" and "Everything else", as not everyone tags their zine as a "book"
issuu.com *Try searching for "zine", "zines", or try subject keywords
r/zines -- While not exclusively free zines, lots of free zines get shared here, as well as links to collections or personal sites.
tumblr tagged #free-zine -- Many types of zines, especially fanzines for specific characters/media (I mean, it's tumblr, what do you expect)
Abortion Zines -- Abortion support zines collected and shared by the Jewish Zine Archive.
Keke Magazine Zine Library -- Zines by intersectional feminists. Boldly claims it is "the internet’s first ever free zine library"... I dunno about that, but they do indeed have some free zines on their page. Local PDFs.
Palestine Zines and Reading List -- This list includes books as well as zines that provide a foundational understanding of Palestine's history and the significance of its struggle for liberation.
Free Zines About Palestine from Pleasure Pie -- Modern (2020s) zines about Palestinian liberation as well as artistic resistance.
small neighborhood library -- Printable zines for neighborhood libraries collected by serenegecko; primarily minizines (great for cheap printing & distributing) and some larger zines too. Topics indicated with icons at the end.